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European Collaboration at the Defile; Evreux; July 14, 2019

The Defile at the Champ-Elysees, part 2; Text and Photograph's by Alex van Noye

During the Air Force block, units from both the French Air Force and the French Navy fly along over Paris. Various combat aircraft and transport aircraft from the allied countries of France also fly along during the parade. These coalition countries of France are Belgium, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.

The sixth block that flew in to the French military defile was that of the "Formation et Entrainement". This group consists of the training units of the French Air Force. After the initial training, the French pilot is trained in the best conditions to become a fighter pilot within the Air Force. After the training at the units that represent this block, the pilot is able to be deployed at the operational units. This sixth block represents the innovation deployed and the skills acquired that are being implemented in this area of expertise. In the sixth block, two French Alpha-Jets and a Belgian Alpha-Jet fly along representing the cooperation between the countries. Since 2004, the l'École de Transition Opérationnelle ETO00.008 “Operational Transition School” has been part of the Advanced Jet Training School. This initiative was officially launched in 2003 during a Franco-Belgian staff meeting. The two countries decided to join forces and to make the aircraft of each other available to each other for training purposes. The aim is to take advantage of the synergy of needs and resources of the two air forces that are both equipped with similar training aircraft for the training of their fighter pilots. ETO currently trains around 80 French and foreign pilots a year. Approximately fifteen pilots are of Belgian origin from this group. The cooperation between the countries has already yielded a lot for both countries in the past, because with not only uses each other's planes, but also each other's expertise.

Between the sixth and seventh air force block, two blocks from the French Navy were in the parade. In addition to the Air Force, the navy is the only part that also works with combat aircraft. The first block under the name Projection de Puissance Aeronavale consisted of the French combat aircraft in the form of the Rafale Marine. The second part, under the name Aviation de Patrouille et de Surveillance Maritime, consisted of an Atlantique patrol aircraft and a Falcon 50 observation aircraft. The largest deployment of the French navy this year was the action during Operation Chammal.

The Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier was deployed. During Mission Chammal, armed Rafales were deployed daily to attack ground targets from Daesh in Syria. The Rafales are deployed in various roles during the mission. The most common missions are typical CAS missions (Close Air Support), DCA missions (Defense Counter Air) and Recce missions (reconnaissance flights). In the CAS missions, Rafales are deployed to support troops on the ground with fire support from the air. During the DCA mission, the Rafales protect other aircraft such as other Rafales flying a CAS mission or a Hawkeye patrolling an area. During the Recce missions, people often make aerial recordings for reconnaissance purposes. The French patrol aircraft ensure safety on the Atlantic coast of France. This formation of the navy symbolizes the power of the French navy that can act for security and peace anywhere in the world.

The seventh parade block, consists of the cooperating transport units "Projection de Forces". This cooperation is presented in this block by all transport aircraft that the Air Force has available. The start of the formation is represented by the A400M Atlas that reflects the new generation of transport aircraft. This tactical transport aircraft with strategic reach was used during Operation Chammal. The ET 1/61 transport squadron "Touraine" was officially reactivated in September 2014. The "Touraine" unit is reactivated and is equipped with the A400M Atlas. The initial logistics capacity has also been allocated for the European Air Transport Command (EATC). The Atlas will replace the outdated C-160FR Transall. The Air Force also has the C-130 Hercules and the CASA Cn-235 for tactical transport tasks in its orbat. A Spanish Hercules and CASA C-295M will also fly in this formation. The next block will represent the strategic transport units of the French Air Force. This eighth formation flies under the name "Transport Stratégiques". With its tactical and strategic transport aircraft, the Air Force is an important player in the world. The motto of these units is responsiveness and adaptability. The training and professionalism of the Air Force have enabled the armies to deliver humanitarian cargo to the population in seriously threatened areas far from France. The French Air Force will soon have the Airbus A330 MRTT Phénix. This aircraft can both transport cargo and refuel aircraft in the air. The formation is closed by the Airbus A340 Esterel of the Air Force.

The helicopter block flying in the parade will only contain a formation of the French Air Force. This block is the "Engagement BSS-RCA". These helicopters are part of the CSAR units of the French Air Force and the Special Forces. The Air Force is jointly involved in three external operations under the name Sangaris, Barkhane and Chammal. The first contains help to prevent a humanitarian disaster in the Central African Republic. The other two operations are part of the overall French military strategy to fight against armed terrorist groups. To open the helicopter parade, a Puma, a Caracal and a Fennec will parade to illustrate the CSAR deployment. The Air Force has the EC725 Caracal at its disposal since 2006. As the operations progressed, the aircraft turned out to be a formidable war machine. The helicopter is optimized for CSAR missions (CSAR - Combat Search and Rescue) and shows its versatility in all recent operations. This helicopter is also used for the Special Forces missions. The Caracal has now replaced most of the Pumas in this role in France. In addition to the Caracal, the Air Force also has the AS555 Fennic. These helicopters are a lot smaller and can be used flexibly to support the other helicopters. The helicopters are also deployed in small spaces and high in the mountains where the large Caracal cannot operate. The Fennic is also an excellent helicopter for deployment in anti-terrorism actions where speed plays an important role. This "Engagement BSS-RCA" was the last part of the French Air Force that was presented this year at the National Defile.

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